Neighbridge homepage

Neighbridge homepage

Neighbridge is an international community in Nagoya. I've been joining their events for quite some time and heard that their organizers wanted to improve their online visibility. As this relates to my line of work, I provided some help.

I started by designing a simple web page in pure HTML and CSS. Here, the objective was to use simple tools so that the organizers could later edit the code themselves.

Article image

For hosting, I decided to go with GitHub pages as it is free and works great for this kind of static website. GitHub also allows the editing of coder in a VS Code-like editor directly in the browser, making modifications easier.

On the other hand, the domain has been purchased to point to the GitHub pages deployment. This has been achieved via CloudFlare, as it enables HTTPS connections easily and provides a certain layer of security against potential DDOS attacks.

The result can be seen at while the source code is available on GitHub