Nginx as reverse proxy in Kubernetes
Although API gateways such as Kong exist, a simple reverse-proxy can be created using NGINX. Here is a sample manifest to do so in Kubernetes
Migrating a Kubernetes PV to a new storage class
Kubernetes provides an abstraction layer for persistent data storage. Volumes can be of various storage classes depending on user requirements. Those requirements can evolve with time, meaning that volumes sometimes need to be migrated from one storage class to another. This article introduces a method to do so.
Node.js testing for multiple environment variables
Some applications might require the same codebase to be tested with different sets of environment variables. This article proposes a simple way to do so.
Generating certificates for an Aruba Instant AP using pfSense
Aruba IAP can use custom certificates when serving the Web UI over HTTPS. Those certificates can be generated, among others, using pfSense. This can be useful when trying to get rid of browser warnings regarding untrusted HTTPS connections
Persistent HDD APM settings
An HDD can be configured to spin down after a certain time via the APM settings which can be managed by smartctl. Unfortunately, those settings do not persist after a reboot. This article presents a solution to the problem
Solving Kong latency problems in Kubernetes
Kong is a popular API gateway that can be used as a reverse proxy for clients to access back-end services. It can be run as a Docker container and, as such, can be deployed to Kubernetes. However, when doing so, requests might be severely impacted by unusually high latency. This can be solved by configuring the order in which Kong resolves DNS records.
GitLab Microk8s >1.24 certificate based integration
With newer versions of Microk8s, its GitLab integration changes slightly. Here are the key differences
Managing router query parameters in Vue.js
URL query parameters are a convenient way to store the state of a view so that the user can return to it using the back button after navigating away. This short article introduces a method to add parameters to the current URL.
Kubernetes and Docker equivalence
Kubernetes is a container orchestration system. As such, it features functions that are similar to that of Docker. If a container can be run with the Docker CLI, it can also be run equivalently using Kubernetes. This articles highlights such equivalence by presenting how to deploy a PostgreSQL instance using both technologies.
Dissecting a Kubernetes manifest
Kubernetes manifests can seem quite daunting at first, but it is important to understand that their apparent complexity is simply a result of the large number of customization options. In the end, manifests are used to deploy resources that interact with each other, which, among others, lead to the correct operations of containerized applications. Consequently, resources specified in a manifest must be configured accordingly. This article aims at explaining how manifests are structured to do so.