Testing in NodeJS with Mocha
Testing in NodeJS with Mocha
Mocha is a popular testing framework for NodeJS. it can be installed using npm:
npm install mocha
Mocha works with files placed inside the test directory, which must be created:
mkdir test
Setting up npm run command
Normally, mocha is executed using the following command:
To simplify things, package.json can be modified as such:
... "scripts": { "test": "mocha" }, ...
Mocha can then be executed using the following command:
npm run test
var assert = require('assert'); function functionToTest(){ return 2 } describe('FunctionToTest', () => { describe('Squaring a number', () => { it("Should return 2", () => { assert.equal(functionToTest(), 2); }) }) })
Which should output:
FunctionToTest Squaring a number ✓ Should return 2 1 passing (5ms)
The file test.js uses the assert module to evaluate whether a test passes or not. For this purpose, different assertion libraries exist. A popular choice is Chai.js