

LINE Bot thumbnail
<p>LINE offers an API to developers looking into creating chat bots. I created my own so that I could send myself notifications.</p>

Low pass filter for Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32

A low pass filter written as class for Arduino code

Finances management web app

Finances management web app thumbnail
Most banks nowadays provide e-banking interfaces that allow clients to monitor the state of their accounts. However, each bank has its own system and the provided interfaces sometimes lack functionalities. Consequently, I decided to create my own finance dashboard, that combines information regarding multiple accounts. Currently I use it to keep track of my bank accounts balance over time as well as provide a breakdown of my transactions.
ExpressNode.jsMongoDBInfluxDBWeb +2

Vanilla javascript neural network

Vanilla javascript neural network thumbnail
This simple web app written in JavaScript which trains a neural network on data provided as .csv file. The neural network is a fully connected network implemented from scratch and the structure of its hidden layers can be set by the user. The dimension of its inputs and outputs is automatically adjusted to fit the provided training data.
ProjectsAI / MLPHP


Let's imagine the file server.js which, when executed by Node.js, serves web pages to connecting clients. A trivial way to execute server.js using NodeJS would be to run the following bash command in a terminal:

Solar power setup

Solar power setup thumbnail
I got my hands on a 600W 12V inverter so I decided to experiment with generating my own electricity.
Node.jsMQTTExpressProjectsESP32 +3

Smart home control panel (SHCP)

Smart home control panel (SHCP) thumbnail
I've been using&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">Home Assistant</a>&nbsp;to control my home IoT devices for a while. Although it fulfills all my needs, I wanted to make my own system so as to get a fully customized smart home control panel and learn how to build such an application in the process.
MQTTNode.jsIoTWebSocketProjects +2

IoT air conditioner controller

IoT air conditioner controller thumbnail
Air conditioners consume a fair amount of electricity. As such, forgetting to turn one off before leaving one's home can result in an expensive electricity bill. This is a Wi-Fi enabled controller for air condtioners, which can turn the unit on or off according to MQTT messages. It is built around an Wemos D1 mini and interfaces with the AC using an IR LED.

HUD Goggles

HUD Goggles thumbnail
This headset enables the overlay of information on top of its user's field of view. The field of view of the user is captured by a camera and then fed to video goggles, while a MAX7456 OSD chip overlays text on the video feed.

IoT heater controller

IoT heater controller thumbnail
The thermal insulation of my apartment not being the best, I decided to buy an electric heater in order not to freeze during cold winter nights. However, the one I got was probably too powerful for my needs and letting it run for too long would heat up my place too much. Thus, I added a wifi enabled controller to it so its operations are controlled by my home automation system.
Projects3D printingESP8266IoTElectronics