TypeScript setup
A guide to setup a TypeScript project from scratch
Rebuilding the GUI of this CMS with Nuxt 3
The GUI of this CMS has gone through multiple versions and revisions. It started as a Vue.js SPA but was then turned into a Nuxt SSR application to improve SEO. Recently, Nuxt version 3 was released so it was again time for a refresh.
A simple comparison of Svelte and Vue

Since its introduction in 2019, Svelte has quickly become one of the most loved JavaScript framework overtaking Vue.js in the State of JS ranking 2021 survey.
This article presents a simple comparison of Vue.js and Svelte as an attempt to explain why.
Mongoose query documents with matching array element
As a NoSQL database, MongoDB can store arrays as fields of a document. This article presents how to query such documents by filtering those with arrays that contain a specific value.
Vue Router setup in Vue 3

Previously, when creating a Vue project using the Vue CLI, the Vue Router could be installed easily by running vue add router. However, with Vue 3 and Vite, the router is installed manually. This article presents how to do so.
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